0.3% but less than 3% of net tangible asset (NTA) as of September 31, 2019 which is amount of 1,130.47 million baht. The transaction size is 1.03% of NTA, and the company is obligated to get approval
Transactions B.E. 2546 in the category of assets or services, with the total transaction size more than 0.03 percent, but less than 3 percent of the Company’s net tangible assets, therefore, the Company is
30, 2019, it was found that the highest transaction size accounted for 0.99 % of the net tangible assets. Meanwhile, the Company did not engage in any acquisition or disposal transactions one this
tangible asset (NTA) under the Company’s financial statement as of September 30, 2019 = 1,501,896,700 baht Value (million baht) The Company’s NTA = 1,501.90 million baht Higher value (million baht) % value
., the OB), which is technical equipment Payment : Payment by cash on delivery date 4. Transaction Size Calculation Value of the return (X) = 3,000,000 baht Net tangible asset (NTA) under the Company’s
for this investment in MDP, calculated using the value of net tangible assets basis, equals to 9.80% (based on the Financial Statements for the year ending 31 December 2019). The Company has no other
13,525,253 บาท คิดเป็นร้อยละ 0.39 ของ สินทรัพย์ที่มีตัวตนสุทธิ (Net Tangible Asset: NTA) ของงบการเงิน ณ วันที่ 31 มีนาคม 2563 โดยมีรายละเอียด ดังนี้ การให้บริการทางวิชาชีพและการให้บริการอ่ืนแก่ บริษัท อิโนแอค
available locally. As such, the company can expect a wider investment mandate that focuses on high quality tangible assets in the sectors of real estate and renewable energy. In addition, the Company
, representing 0.0563 % of the net tangible assets value (NTA as of March 31, 2020 = Baht 5,597.20 million), paying by cash for the whole amount. The size of the transaction is medium, which is exceed 0.03% but
- Inspection - Supervision of those https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Documents/AnnualReport/pb_ar_2003.pdf 10 amended Upon calculation of the maximum transaction size is equal to 2. 38 percent based on the net tangible