to numerous environmental impact concerns in recent years. These can include inter alia: Land use rights and land access: where land is subject to native title or cultural heritage conditions
ระบบโทรศัพท ์ เคลือ่นที ่ (native mobile application) ลักษณะการใหบ้รกิารของบรษัิทผ่านชอ่งทาง mobile application เชน่ application เผยแพร่ ขา่วสาร หรอื application ทีใ่ชท้ าธรุกรรมการ ซือ้ขาย เชน่ mobile
situation, OSP continues to focus on our core brands, innovation and expansion in high- growth channels and segments, while shifting in priorities and timing to ensure even greater agility. Others Segment
Company is confident that our strategy and prompt action plans will enable us to navigate the shifting retail landscape in the future. The current business situation First half of 2020 was a challenging
with high number of office buildings and residencies as well as include breakfast menu such as hot drink and bakery to increase product variety in response to the shifting fast-pace consumer behavior
และธรรมาภิบาล (ESG in Practice) เขาไปในกระบวนการทำธุรกิจตลอดหวงโซ คุณคาของตนเอง โดยในงานยังมีการเสวนาหัวขอ “Shifting to a Green Economy and Care Society – Alternative Business Model” โดยวิทยากรจาก
the preparation of the SET and securities business operators for regional market linkage and competition in the international market arena. Within this forward- moving environment, the SEC also made
moving toward such goal, however, the country has to prepare for the volatility that the market liberalization will bring, and seek ways to increase opportunities and Chaikasem Nitisiri Chairman 20T H
the best-in-class network quality alongside the growing demand for traffic capacity and coverage. To optimize our investment, we plan on reducing low-value traffic and shifting traffic towards 5G
detail on its commitment is outlined in the KPI section below. 2) Shifting to 100% renewable electricity on a worldwide basis by 2025 CHANEL pledges to transition to 100% renewable electricity in its own