ทรัพย์สนิหรือคู่สัญญา (single entity limit) ข้อ ประเภททรัพย์สนิ อัตราส่วน (% ของ NAV) 1 ตราสารภาครัฐไทย ไมจ่ ากดัอตัราสว่น 2 ตราสารภาครัฐตา่งประเทศ 2.1 กรณีมี credit rating อยูใ่น 2 อนัดบัแรกขึน้ไป ไมจ่ า
: สดัสว่นสูงสุด (Upper Limit) ทีบ่ริษัทจัดการคาดว่าจะลงทุนในกลุ่ม (ง) 0% NAV กองทุนเปิด วี โทเทลิ รีเทิร์น บอนด์ 9 ค าอธบิายการจดัอนัดบัตราสารของสถาบนัจดัอนัดบัความนา่เชือ่ถอื ระดบัการลงทนุ TRIS Fitch Moody's
placing orders for several persons or through series of accounts in an undisclosed manner (omnibus account); (2) derivatives position limit of customer at any time; (3) derivatives position of customer that
placing orders for several persons or through series of accounts in an undisclosed manner (omnibus account); (2) derivatives position limit of customer at any time; (3) derivatives position of customer that
placing orders for several persons or through series of accounts in an undisclosed manner (omnibus account); (2) derivatives position limit of customer at any time; (3) derivatives position of customer that
investors or the home regulator, or has not failed to submit such information to investors or the home regulator. (2) have investment policy to invest in eligible asset type with investment limit in similar
investors or the home regulator, or has not failed to submit such information to investors or the home regulator. (2) have investment policy to invest in eligible asset type with investment limit in similar
Office to hold units in excess of the limit, but not to exceed fifty percent of the total units sold under the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning Rules related to Restriction
Office to hold units in excess of the limit, but not to exceed fifty percent of the total units sold under the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning Rules related to Restriction
Office to hold units in excess of the limit, but not to exceed fifty percent of the total units sold under the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning Rules related to Restriction