in Q3/2020 was THB 55 million which decreased by THB 29 million or 35% from Q3/2019 due to the Company’s cost control policy, both employee-related expenses and the extension of rental expenses
201912M • Selling expenses in Q4/2020 was THB 68 million, decreased by THB 16 million or 19% from Q4/2019 due to the Company’s cost control policies related to staff expenses and the extension of rental
paying creditors who had requested an extension of time in the previous year returning to regular credit term. With the company, buy products for cash. Reduce credit terms by negotiating additional product
in better debt collection performance, as well as the Bank of Thailand’s extension of relief measures, which allow a reduced minimum payment rate of 8% on credit cards for an additional year as well as
out in a manner consistent with their own approach to stewardship. Accordingly, the Code also applies, by extension, to service providers, such as proxy advisors and investment consultants. 3. The FRC
., Ltd., which involves the operation of oil pipeline extension to the northeast of Thailand, opening new opportunity in the oil pipeline business with good and long-term investment return. - Two projects
Retail Growth Leasehold REIT (CPNREIT) with 4 additional assets, as well as the extension of lease at CentralPlaza Rama 2, with a total transaction value of no more than THB 48,560 mn as announced on the
extension of the offering period from the SEC Office in writing at least thirty days prior to the expiration of such period. In this regard, the rationale for such request together with the information
increased of THB 1,570 million due to a new long-term loan from other party and a debt repayment extension period from other creditors. • Total equity As of 30 June 2017, the Company and its subsidiaries has
year 2017. Non – current liabilities increase THB 751 million from long-term loans from other parties and debt repayment extension from other creditors. However, although the Separate Financial