to deceive other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the selling transactions of thermoplastic of an IEC project in Rayong province. In so doing, Mr. Bhusana
inconsistent with the facts to deceive other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the selling transactions of thermoplastic of an IEC project in Rayong province. In so
inconsistent with the facts to deceive other persons. Mr. Bhusana committed a fraud by misappropriating money of IEC through the transactions related to the outsourcing contract with Bann Tongkum Co., Ltd. where
through higher value packages as well as cross-sell upsell to uplift the ARPU. The company is also committed to bringing more value to customers with various partnership offerings in contents, products, and
, however, the subsidiaries have not yet started their operations. (8) Share of profit (loss) from investment in associated company and joint ventures In 2017 , the Company recognized the loss sharing from
continued offering low-end unlimited data plans in both prepaid and postpaid segments in order to maintain customer base and expand market share. Hence, mobile revenue slightly declined by 0.7% YoY to
considered high-risk area, the Company has committed to support and operate in compliance with the government’s measures and orders by temporary closure the cinemas, bowling, karaoke and ice-skate in every
5,081 8% Income tax expenses 231 5% 967 1,000 3% 877 947 8% Net profit for the period 911 12% 3,690 3,553 -4% 3,811 4,133 8% Earnings Per Share (Baht per share) 3.64 12% 14.76 14.21 -4% 15.24 16.53 8% 3
% 524 472 -10% Net profit for the period 904 33% 1,828 2,018 10% 2,322 2,037 -12% Earnings Per Share (Baht per share) 3.61 33% 7.31 8.07 10% 9.29 8.15 -12% 3 Sales and Revenues Structure for the first
19% 3,997 3,838 -4% Income tax expenses 286 35% 768 815 6% 731 728 -0.4% Net profit for the period 1,104 35% 2,643 3,122 18% 3,266 3,109 -5% Earnings Per Share (Baht per share) 4.42 35% 10.57 12.49 18