, the derivatives advisor shall arrange to have an agreement in writing relating to the settlement of disputes by arbitration organized by the Office as specified in the notification of the Office when
, the derivatives advisor shall arrange to have an agreement in writing relating to the settlement of disputes by arbitration organized by the Office as specified in the notification of the Office when
Derivatives Advisor 23/01/2004 06/01/2004 6. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission  SorThor./Khor. 40/2547 Re: Form of Applications for Registration to be a Derivatives
adds “digital asset investment advisor” and “digital asset fund manager” as new regulated businesses and amends regulations on supervision of digital asset business operators to strengthen investor
/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=8253 SEC adds “digital asset investment advisor” and “digital asset fund manager” as new regulated businesses and amends regulations on supervision of digital asset business operators to
adds “digital asset investment advisor” and “digital asset fund manager” as new regulated businesses and amends regulations on supervision of digital asset business operators to strengthen investor
by SCAN board of directors, audit committee and independent financial advisor (IFA), SCAN shareholders are recommended not to approve the purchase of DEVA shares based on the reasons that the
-public information obtained while performing duty as {X1} advisor and president. With the referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the SEC's probe found that on May 7, 2010 {A}, as the authorized
major shareholder of SRD, direct holding 27% and indirect holding 13% shares. Transaction type LHMH will enter into an agreement to be an advisor to re-merchandise and manage renovated sales area in
แบบค ำขอรับควำมเห็นชอบเปลีย่นแปลงระบบงำนผู้ให้บริกำรออกแบบกำรลงทุน (wealth advisor) 1. ช่ือบริษทั