แบบแสดงรายการขอมูลการเสนอขายตราสารหน้ี (รายครั้ง) (แบบ 69-DEBT-PO-GOV.AGENCY) บริษัท........... (ช่ือไทย/อังกฤษของผูเสนอขายตราสารหน้ี) ............. เสนอขาย ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................
or not complying with any significant approval requirements for the offering of trust unit within the period of 5 years before applying for the offering; (2) pose no reasonable doubt to its ability to
significant rise to the world’s 3rd highest rank with 86 scores, from No. 15 with 75 scores in the preceding year. Such development was a result of the improvement in the Ease of Shareholder Suits Index
. While Normalized Net Income attributable to Owners of the Parent is Baht 219.0 million, 18.8% decreased from 1Q2019. Due to substantial weakening of Thai Baht, Net Profit is significantly affected by
in biodiesel consumption has not been as predicted as the impact of the substantial resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic in mid of 2021 has resulted in a decline in travelling and transportation
products decreased. In terms of channels, all channels had their sales increase except Dealer and Franchise sales. Due to high demand for IT products in 2021, the Company sold a substantial amount of
) and (2) “retail client” means client other than an institutional client; “inside information” means any information which substantial to the change of price of the securities which is not reveal to
the investor prescribed in (1) and (2) “retail client” means client other than an institutional client; “inside information” means any information which substantial to the change of price of the
an institutional client; “inside information” means any information which substantial to the change of price of the securities which is not reveal to public and the securities known by its business
quarter ending 31 March 2018 amounting to Baht 37.21 million, an increase of Baht 25.18 million or 209.38% over the same quarter last year, due to the following significant factors : 1. Profits from