Commission concerning Additional Rules for Mutual Fund Investing in Derivatives and Credit Linked Notes ; (3) investment units of a mutual fund whose returns calculation is made in a complicated way (complex
mutual fund whose returns calculation is made in a complicated way (complex return fund); (4) investment units of a mutual fund whose net exposure in commodities is made through its investment in commodity
mutual fund whose returns calculation is made in a complicated way (complex return fund); (4) investment units of a mutual fund whose net exposure in commodities is made through its investment in commodity
fund of which the returns calculation is made in a complicated way (complex return fund); (d) investment units of a mutual fund of which the fund's net exposure in commodities is made through its
Commission concerning Additional Rules for Mutual Fund Investing in Derivatives and Credit Linked Notes; (c) investment units of a mutual fund of which the returns calculation is made in a complicated way
complicated, then the Company can control the risk. - Risk of sale of product. Due to the new production line, the Company will have a higher volume of finished goods. Therefore, the sale of fast-growing
capital, be able to repay its other debts, and have flexibility in its business operations in the future, the Company will, as part of the said debt restructuring, receive the financial assistance from Link
person of the SSG Group. Furthermore, in order for the Company to have continuous working capital, be able to repay its other debts, and have flexibility in its business operations in the future, the
subsidiaries (together as “CSL group”) engage in comprehensive Internet Service Provider (ISP) and enterprise business communications. CSL group is focusing on the quality service and flexibility of the customer
อนุญาตมี flexibility ในการเลือกขอรับใบอนุญาต ตามที่จ าเป็นต่อ business model ของตน และไม่มีต้นทุน upfront ที่เป็นภาระซึ่งท าให้เสียเปรียบ peers ประเทศอ่ืน ๆ โดยยังคงไว้ซึ่งหลักเกณฑ์เดิมในเรื่องคุณสมบัติ