acts of Mr. Amorn and Mr. Pipat were deemed a dishonest breach of duties offense, an asset misappropriation and seeking unlawful benefits for themselves and their associates, causing damage to AJA. In
persons’ securities trading accounts. They traded RICH shares on a continual basis and matched orders within the group to mislead the general public in RICH share trading values and volumes, causing
’ securities trading accounts. They traded RICH shares on a continual basis and matched orders within the group to mislead the general public in RICH share trading values and volumes, causing inconsistency with
. They traded RICH shares on a continual basis and matched orders within the group to mislead the general public in RICH share trading values and volumes, causing inconsistency with normal market condition
. They traded RICH shares on a continual basis and matched orders within the group to mislead the general public in RICH share trading values and volumes, causing inconsistency with normal market condition
volumes, causing inconsistency with normal market condition. The scheme was aided or abetted by Mr. Prayuth Lertpinyopap, Miss Karuna Kaewmanee, and five other persons who agreed to enter the settlement
volumes, causing inconsistency with normal market condition. The scheme was aided or abetted by Mr. Prayuth Lertpinyopap, and five other persons who agreed to enter the settlement. The public prosecutor
”)’s assets, failed to perform duties responsibly, carefully and honestly, seeked unlawful gain for himself or other persons causing damage to the company, and committed or permitting wrongful acts
dishonestly, misappropriate the company's assets and seek wrongful gains, causing damage to IEC and arranged or allowed preparation of the company's accounting records to be inaccurate and
Mr. Sutin Jaitham Mr. Sutin Jaitham rendered assistance and support for Mr. Bhusana Premanode performed duties dishonestly, misappropriate the company's assets and seek wrongful gains, causing