Sustainability" label is a quality standard that aspires to increase the level of socially responsible and sustainable financial products, and to mainstream its principles towards traditional financial product
and service providing procedures to be in compliance with the provisions stipulated in Clause 5/3. In the case of repeated sale occurring with the communication and providing services of traditional
providing procedures to be in compliance with the provisions stipulated in Clause 5/3. In the case of repeated sale occurring with the communication and providing services of traditional capital market
providing procedures to be in compliance with the provisions stipulated in Clause 5/3. In the case of repeated sale occurring with the communication and providing services of traditional capital market
นิกส์รองมีผลทำงกฎหมำยเช่นเดียวกับเอกสำร ทีเป็นกระดำษ (traditional paper documents) และลำยมือชือทีลงนำมด้วยหมึก (wet ink signatures) และ จะไม่ถูกปฏิเสธผลทำงกฎหมำยเพียงเพรำะอยู่ในรูปแบบอิเล็กทรอนิกส์๙ ๕
services and various types of investment risks. Periodic educational programs and activities ran via traditional and online media channels such as radio, television and prints. The SEC is in the process of
ยา่งมีนยัส าคญัของ เม็ดเงินโฆษณาในสือ่รูปแบบดัง้เดิม (Conventional Media) โดยกลุม่โทรทศัน์ (โทรทศัน์ ดิจิทลัทีวี และเคเบิลทีวี) ซึง่ มีส่วนแบ่งการตลาดมากที่ สุดถึง 64.8% ปรับตัวลดลง 7.4% จากปีก่อนหน้า
operations in other AEC+3 countries, we aim to become “The Regional Digital Bank” through our three-pronged initiative as follows: 1) Conventional Track: We remained committed to expanding our business network
September to December PAGE 6 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS (MD&A) Q2 2019 Target within 2025 GPSC Electricity Growth Pipeline 20202019 20232021 Growth along with PTT Group GLOW SPP Replacement Conventional
) Q3 2019 Target within 2025 GPSC Electricity Growth Pipeline 20202019 20232021 Growth along with PTT Group GLOW SPP Replacement Conventional Energy (Thailand and International) Renewable Energy (Solar