67.37 (17.72) (20.83%) Income tax expenses 52.64 59.19 6.55 12.44% Net profit 187.67 227.68 40.01 21.32% Net profit ratio (ROS) 16.24% 16.00% Earnings per share (Baht) 0.45 0.42 (0.03) (6.67%) 1. Overview
11.86% Finance cost 19.72 18.41 (1.31) (6.64%) Income tax expenses 17.98 22.21 4.23 23.53% Net profit 70.57 80.50 9.93 14.07% Net profit ratio (ROS) 20.41% 18.98% Earnings per share (Baht) 0.13 0.15 0.02
depreciation of plant and machinery that contributed to higher share of cost of goods sold. In addition, the Company executed sales promotional campaigns for slow moving inventories that accounted for lower
% Earnings per share (Baht) 0.44 0.34 (0.10) (22.73%) 1. Overview of operating results of the Company and its subsidiaries - Translation - JKN GLOBAL MEDIA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Management Discussion and
%) (43.31) 29.4% Gross Profit 126.54 46.2% 164.91 46.4% 38.37 30.3% SG&A (48.13) (17.6%) (69.08) (19.4%) (20.95) 43.5% Operating Profit 78.41 28.6% 95.83 26.9% 17.42 22.2% Share of Profit in Associates 0.15
% compared to the same period of last year. That show the Company managed to properly slash sales expenses from the previous year to be in response to decline in sales revenue and the impact from the
significantly as above-mentioned, whereas the Company has managed efficiently for the cost of sales and administrative expenses by continuously decreasing from the same period last year from the change of
) % December , December , Assets . . . . % Liabilities . . . . % Shareholders' equity . . . . % Issued and fully paid-up common share (Million Share) . . . . % Par (Baht) . . . . % 4.1 Assets Overall asset as at
- Despite the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, OSP managed to deliver Q1’20 Net profit* at THB 926 million (+4.2% YoY, +12.5% QoQ), with Q1’20 net profit* margin of 13.8% (-20 bps YoY, +140 bps QoQ), from the
shares at par value of THB 10 per share. Currently, 99.0% of Carnival Magic’s registered capital is held by Phuket Fantasea hence Carnival Magic is considered the Company’s indirect subsidiary with