capital by Baht 89,200,714 from the existing Baht 259,250,000 to Baht 170,049,286, by means of reduction of 89,200,714 unissued shares of the Company at a par value of Baht 1.00 per share, reserved for the
. (“KPPH”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kinpo Group EMS companies in manufacturing consumer electronics products Relationship with the Company (Remained No Change) Kinpo and its subsidiary together has hold
3,000,000 ordinary shares of GSG with a par value of THB 10 per share, equivalent to 60 percent of the total shares of GSG from the Sellers, who currently and collectively hold 60 percent of the total shares
, at a par value of Baht 10 per share, at a selling price of approximately Baht 33.33 per share, equivalent to the total value of Baht 510,000,000, (the “Investment in Ordinary Shares of S-TREK”) which
value of THB 5 per share: (1) To accommodate the allocation of 3,425,090,482 newly issued ordinary shares to the existing shareholders pro rata to their shareholdings (Rights Offering), at the par value
THB 187,436,954,750 by issuing not more than 27,732,242,204 newly issued ordinary shares, at the par value of THB 5 per share: (1) To accommodate the allocation of 3,425,090,482 newly issued ordinary
capital of THB 187,436,954,750 by issuing not more than 27,732,242,204 newly issued ordinary shares, at the par value of THB 5 per share: (1) To accommodate the allocation of 3,425,090,482 newly issued
from the existing registered capital of THB 217,155,228 to THB 180,970,466.50 by canceling the Company’s 144,739,046 authorized but unissued shares, with a par value of THB 0.25 per share. 2. Approved to
applicable) ผู้ซื้อ/ ผู้รับโอน โปรดระบุชื่อ/ความสัมพันธ์ 5 Purchaser/ Transferee (Specify name and relationship) จำนวน (Amount) ราคาเฉลี่ย (Average price) ผู้จัดทำ / Reporter หุ้นสามัญ (common share) หุ้น
(common share) หุ้นบุริมสิทธิ (preferred share) ใบส าคญัแสดงสิทธิท่ีจะซ้ือหุ้น (warrant) ใบแสดงสิทธิในการซ้ือหุ้นเพ่ิมทุนท่ีโอนสิทธิได ้ (transferable subscription right) หุ้นกูแ้ปลงสภาพ (convertible