IVL as a whole in 2019. o Sharp decline in crude prices (high of $ 83/bbl in 3Q18 versus low of 54/bbl in 4Q18) as we entered in to the weak season led to accelerated destocking in the integrated PET
สหประชาชาติว่าด้วยธุรกิจและสิทธิมนุษยชน (UNGPs) โดยในปีนี้มีผู้เข้าร่วมประชุมมากกว่า 2,000 คน Ms. Michelle Bachelet ข้าหลวงใหญ่เพื่อสิทธิมนุษยชน (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) สำนักงาน
, SEC Secretary-General revealed that the Capital Market Supervisory Board has approved the relaxation on rules applicable to mutual funds for AIs (institutional and high net worth investors). The relaxed
Company’s capability to compete in an auction that require high experienced engineering. The Company views that SUTGH’s shareholders are strategic investors; will bring their knowledge and expertise in
เกณฑ์์ คำาอธิบิายสำาหรบัรายการท้ยกเว่น้ โรคผลิติไฟฟ้าจัากข้ยะมูลฝ่อยชุีมชีนท่ย่อยสิลายได้ทาง ชีว่ภาพ (Municipal Solid Waste: MSW) รวมถึึงกากติะกอน นำาเสิ่ยและเศษอาหาร ครอบคลุมภายใต้ิเกณฑ์์โครงสิร้างพืนฐาน
Major Events in 3Q18 CPN is selected into the DJSI World and DJSI Emerging Markets Indices in 2018. The acquisition of GLAND, which has high potential assets, is an important step for CPN to become a
Animation & Computer Graphics Association (TACGA) to provide business matching opportunity for movies, digital contents and animation industries to meet with institutional investors and high net worth
3.1% Adder 33.4 34.3 31.3 (8.7%) (6.3%) 63.7 65.6 3.0% Revenue from waste management 8.2 9.4 9.6 2.1% 17.1% 17.2 19.0 10.5% Sales from Municipal Solid Waste Power Plant 68.8 71.5 66.2 (7.4%) (3.8
-term loan repayment capacity supported by solid operation, and the impact of strengthened Baht currency, which together helped offset an increase in interest rate. Earnings before interest, tax
government such as travel restrictions and the closure of venues considered high-risk areas including department stores, it is expected that the Thai economy in 2020 will have a severe contraction with latest