CCUS Capacity-building/Collaboration with potential partners • Production, Distribution, Utilization • MoU with BIG • MoU with DGA Hydrogen Value Chain NH3 Co-firing • BLCP • QPL H2 Co-firing • Linden
can cope with potential economic uncertainties in a timely and efficient manner, KBank emphasizes big data analytics for predictive integrated risk management (IRM) through the establishment of
and mortgage-backed securities will be allowed to roll off gradually without reinvestment, in order to reduce its massive balance sheet. Meanwhile, the Eurozone, Japan and several other Asian countries
technology and big data to enhance the online service in various channels, develop data governance, data structure and data security, and groom human resources and organization culture as well as appoint a
เปิดไปใช้ประโยชน์ บทบาทของประชากรกลุ่ม Generation ต่าง ๆ ที่มีต่อการลงทุนในกองทุนรวม The application of factor investing in mutual fund business ก.ล.ต. ใช้ Big Data เจาะจงพฤติกรรมการลงทุนกองทุนรวมของผู้
2554ตามที่ ก.ล.ต. แจ้งให้ THL จัดให้มีการตรวจสอบเป็นกรณีพิเศษ (special audit) โดยผู้สอบบัญชีที่ได้รับความเห็นชอบจาก ก.ล.ต. และสังกัดสำนักงานสอบบัญชีหนึ่งในสำนักงานสอบบัญชีขนาดใหญ่ (big 4) ในประเด็นที่มีข้อ
information. Nattha Rungwong used rumors or news pieces that had yet to be confirmed by reliable, related parties as a basis for his advisory comments such as rumors of big lot purchases of certain
was due to the fact that the Company has focused on promotional activities were also organized jointly with leading shops and department stores. In May 2017, the Company cooperated with Big C
previous forecast of 3.9 percent. Regarding monetary policy of central banks worldwide, the US Federal Reserve maintained its tightening stance by raising its policy rate and continuing to reduce its massive
extremely high volatility which included triggering the SET circuit-breaker 3 times. Each large movement also triggered a massive change in the Delta hedge position within a very short period of time. These