received in the future throughout the lifespan of the instruments and the principals to be repaid, discounted as the present value. It is used to measure the rate of return of a fixed income fund, calculated
they are still in a developing stage. 1. Different approaches are used to measure ESG indicators. 2. The ESG data and reporting are not standardized. 3. There are many different criteria for the
ผลกระทบจากขยะ (Disclosure 306-2 Management of significant waste-related impacts) • การด้าเนิน ซึ่งรวมถึงมาตรการเพื่อให้เกิดการหมนุเวียน (circularity measure) เพ่ือป้องกันการเกดิขยะในองค์กร ห่วงโซ่อุปทา
lockdown measure, thus the production was adjusted down to optimal level. 12 Management Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation for Q2/2020 Bangchak Corporation Plc. | 2. During this quarter, the
measure or mechanism which allows the trustee and a REIT manager to supervise and control such company to operate business in accordance with the rules specified for the REIT which invests in the principal
first time since 2008. Criteria for the circuit breaker measure were also adjusted to be more stringent in order to curb excess volatility in the Thai bourse. To cope with the extremely volatile financial
request of policymakers, the World Bank can also carry-out special policy reviews that focus on specific sectors, in particular for banks and state-owned enterprises. > Assessments can be updated to measure
EBITDAR margins are not standard measures, nor measurements of financial performance or liquidity, under TFRS, and should not be considered alternatives to net profit (loss) or any other performance measure
B10 and B20 to be lower than diesel price of standard grade by 1 Baht/ litre and 5 Baht/ litre respectively. This measure was terminated on September 2019, then adjusting to 2 Baht/ litre and 3 Baht
performance or liquidity, under TFRS, and should not be considered alternatives to net profit (loss) or any other performance measure or as an alternative to cash flow from operating activities. Since there are