biodiesel and edible oil in which Mrs. Chatchaya Tritrakulchai will not engage in the same business of the Company and will continue to operate the trading of crude palm oil (CPOB) for the feed industry which
authorized the company to increase the investment proportion in the ordinary shares of Pattaya Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (PMC) by purchasing the 627,000 ordinary shares in an amount not exceeding Baht 93 million
”) and SK Catering Pte. Ltd. (“SKC”) totaling 11 Thai restaurants in Singapore in Q4 2018. The sales growth of restaurants business in Cambodia continue to increase by 31.0 percent from the total of 6
company or the issuer of ETF units , as the case may be: (1) purchasing ETF units by using assets as a payment under the requirement of such ETF or; (2) reselling ETF units by accepting assets as a
following transactions with a management company or the issuer of ETF units, as the case may be: (1) purchasing ETF units by using assets as a payment under the requirement of such ETF or; (2) reselling ETF
) purchasing ETF units by using assets as a payment under the requirement of such ETF or; (2) reselling ETF units by accepting assets as a redemption under the requirement of such ETF. “management company” means
dessert café which has a higher gross profit margin than sales from takeaways or purchasing through food delivery services. In addition, the Company has increased the price of some products since March 2022
in gross profit was mainly due to increase in the proportion of sales from dessert café (Dine-in) which has a higher gross profit margin than sales from takeaways or purchasing through food delivery
(+6.05%). The purchasing power of customers has been declining since the third and fourth quarters of last year, which caused IT device sales to significantly decline. The main cause for the decline is the
services revenue, which increased by THB 1.63 million (+1.78%). In 2023, customers’ purchasing power began to slow down and significantly declined during the first two quarters of the year, which caused IT