: กองทุนเน้นกลยุทธก์ารลงทุนท่ีนําปัจจยัดา้นส่ิงแวดลอ้ม สงัคม และธรรมาภิ บาล (ESG) มาพิจารณาในกระบวนการตดัสินใจลงทุน (ESG Integration) ซ่ึงเป็นการนําขอ้มลู ดา้นการเงินและดา้นความยัง่ยนืของธุรกิจ มาใชใ้นวิเครา
Currently, there are SMEs and startups with good potential for growing into large enterprises. However, they lack broad funding tools and face limitations that prevent them from listing on SET and
because of less in revenue and the price competition in the market. But, comparing with Q4/2017, our gross profit margin is higher from 5.61% to 18.04% due to the consolidation of profits of our subsidiary
consolidation of profits of our subsidiary in Malaysia. • Net profit margin is higher because of acknowledge the special revenue (Gain from bargain purchase). • There is no significant change in the cost of raw
increased income from our consolidation with Nguyen Kim since June 2019, the increased revenue from rental service from Robinson Lifestyle Center in Chaiyaphum and the full quarter revenue contribution from
compared same quarter of last year regarding to TBSP consolidation and extra finance cost from additional long-term loan for Tender Offer in TBSP. Excluding the extra finance cost of THB 4 mil. the finance
during the preceding year as well as the material changes in the shareholding structure, management or business operation or any other important events (for example, merger and acquisition) during the past
principles for governments to follow in developing their regulatory frameworks, recognising the importance of supervisory, regulatory and enforcement authorities in ensuring effective implementation. Broad
million Baht, increased 16.79 %, mainly caused income in year 2018 due to the business merger of domestic transport service by land by the end of year 2018 as well as its subsidiary both in domestic and
16/05/1992 3. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board  TorNor 77/2552 Rules, Conditions, and Procedures for Liquidation of Mutual Funds as a result of Merger or Amalgamation of Mutual