) Property Development Business still facing with a challenge. However, the management team is well aware to expand business to enhance more revenues and margin. Thus, you have been informed for your
exemplary in this quarter again, realizing significant savings. On top of this new product development has been a success and this will impact positively in H2 as the sales and marketing team are working
, Myanmar, Vietnam), by set up a team to oversee business in these countries. Including picks the business partners among the Group to maintain the standard of products and services from the Company
Company and the shareholders. Therefore, the management team has conducted studies to find solutions to minimize the effects of this project. The Company has proposed solutions and discovered important
consumers and employees like Zero- COVID, create the Everyone Can Sell team and be able to manage costs more efficiently. 3. Administrative expenses, in the period of the first quarter of 2020, amount of
platform, Driving entire sales and transfers, taking care of customers and employees like Zero- COVID, create the Everyone Can Sell team and be able to reduce the online marketing expenses and manage costs
that will support continuous growth momentum in demand for medical devices in Thailand. In 2019, the Company has improved and increased the sales team to increase sales efficiency in distributor of
relocation of the sales and marketing team to PlanB under Advertising Media Management and Service Agreement. SG&A to revenue ratio increased from 32.4% to 41.6%. In this quarter, the Company recorded a share
โดยพจิำรณำจำกพืน้ฐำนบริษัท ไป อุตสำหกรรม และภำพรวมเศรษฐกิจ (bottom-up) - กระบวนกำรลงทุนในหลกัทรัพย ์ผำ่นกำรวิเครำะห์ข้อมูลจำกทีมวิจัย (global research team) - เลอืกลงทุนในหลกัทรัพยข์องบริษัทที่ให้ปันผลอ
considered from the debt collection rates of Q1/2018. It was due to J FinTech has improved its receivables collection team and concentrated upon the process of debt collection. Debt Collection Rates