ชง้ำน (unattended user equipment) ใหมี้ควำมปลอดภยั ดงัน้ี ก ำหนดมำตรกำรป้องกนัอุปกรณ์ท่ีไม่มีผูดู้แลหรือตอ้งปล่อยทิ้งไวโ้ดยไม่ไดดู้แลชัว่ครำว ควบคุมใหผู้ใ้ชง้ำนลอ็คหนำ้จอทุกคร้ังขณะท่ีไม่อยูห่นำ้เคร่ื
43,129 37,637 15% Inventories 68,601 70,085 (2)% Other current assets 11,762 10,850 8% Total current assets 130,584 124,284 5% Investment 2,378 5,294 (55)% Property, plant and equipment 214,435 205,182 5
5,294 (55)% Property, plant and equipment 214,435 205,182 5% Intangible assets 42,751 40,349 6% Deferred tax assets 2,583 2,714 (5)% Other assets 2,735 1,371 99% Total assets 395,465 379,195 4
, 2018 to Baht 110,161 million as of March 31, 2019, primarily due to an increase in property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets. • Total interest-bearing debts increase 4.4% from Baht 58,173
9% Inventories 67,604 70,085 (4)% Other current assets 13,628 10,850 26% Total current assets 130,836 124,284 5% Investment 2,313 5,294 (56)% Property, plant and equipment 214,739 205,182 5
investments 504 3.9% 473 4.1% 6.6% Invetment in associates 1,981 15.5% 1,980 17.1% 0.1% Property, plant and equipment 4,448 34.8% 4,300 37.2% 3.4% Prepaid rental of land and bulidings 1,481 11.6% 821 7.1% 80.4
investments 504 3.9% 473 4.1% 6.6% Invetment in associates 1,981 15.5% 1,980 17.1% 0.1% Property, plant and equipment 4,448 34.8% 4,300 37.2% 3.4% Prepaid rental of land and bulidings 1,481 11.6% 821 7.1% 80.4
4,727 5,473 5,832 5,887 Total current assets 24,625 21,561 22,062 23,788 Property, plant and equipment 84,024 80,742 77,128 76,177 Total non-current assets 92,239 87,957 83,969 83,317 (Translation) 11 As
4,727 5,473 5,832 5,887 Total current assets 24,625 21,561 22,062 23,788 Property, plant and equipment 84,024 80,742 77,128 76,177 Total non-current assets 92,239 87,957 83,969 83,317 (Translation) 11 As
8,703 7,252 8,737 10,388 Trade and other current receivables 9,702 8,267 7,215 7,465 Inventory 4,727 5,473 5,832 5,887 Total current assets 24,625 21,561 22,062 23,788 Property, plant and equipment 84,024