7.46% compared to last year. The change was also inline with a rise of sales whereas the gross profit margin of this six month- period ended June 30, 2019 tend to have a good potential of 21.20% while
period of previous year. Although the total revenue for the nine-month period ended 30 September 2019 increased 21.54% from the same period of previous year, the Company had continuously increased its
margin in Q2/2020 decreased by 22.2% from Q2/2019, and in 1H/2020 decreased by 17.7% from 1H/2019. • The decrease in net profit margin was mainly from the drop in operating revenue although SG&A expenses
2ndquarter of 2020 was decreased by 40.70%, the average selling price decreased 56.10% according to the market price, while the quantities sold was increased by 35.09% when compared to the 2nd quarter of 2019
December 2019 with installed capacity of 15 MW and 4.8 MW respectively. Although most of new projects started in the middle of the year, B.Grimm’s 2019 net profit rose by 33.6% to Baht 3,977 million while
has cost competitiveness and will enhance the Company’s production base for emerging markets in Southeast Asia, while LQSF’s wide-coverage distribution that reaches almost all regions of Vietnam will
branded sales continued to grow remarkably by c.60%, while domestic CMG are back on track for growth from recovered sales plus good feedback of the new product. Q3/2017 sales grew 9% QoQ due to recovery
, being lower than 2Q2017 CPO price by 5.06 THB/kg or down 20% yoy. This was led by domestic palm oil inventory surplus more than 400,000 tons in 2Q2018, while, in the past, Thailand used to have an average
of 71.8 percent and net profit of Baht 12.40 million or decreased by 69.1% while compared to the same period of last year which the net profit was Baht 40.13 million due to the epidemic situation from
weaken. Although the government has policies to help the cost of living of people at the grass-roots level, it focuses on spending of the essential consumer products only. In addition, there was a factor