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, however, certain that Thailand and worldwide measures against spread of the COVID-19 will have adverse effects on the Company’s future revenues, operations and supply chains. The Company is taking several
payment According to the COVID-19 outbreak and the social distancing policy from the government which to prevent the wide spread of the virus, the Company postponed the 2020 Annual General Meeting on April
downwards the 2020 GDP forecast in their Monetary Policy Report, saying the economy was likely to contract by 8.1%. Although Thailand has successfully controlled the spread of COVID-19 so far, leading to a
the Company and its subsidiaries was totally Baht 257.28 million decreased from compared with the same period of 2019 which was for Baht 201.53 million or -43.92%. Caused by the start of the spread of
resources such as setting up a team for a specific off-site booth, etc. The Company anticipates that if the situation resolve to near normal and the implementation of vaccination against the spread of COVID
Administration (CEPA) has a resolution for adjusting the proportion of biodiesel mandatory and the spread of retail fuel price affecting to the economy and alleviating people’s suffering during the rising energy