13.89%. Where the Company possible to generate profit from this business unit since there were Made to Order that the Company can control margin and CPO’s price fluctuation. However, due to the storage of
of crude palm oil has a lower market price on the day of manufacture and delivery. The Company possible to generate profit from this business unit since there were Made to Order so that the Company can
possible to generate profit from this business unit since there were Made to Order so that the Company can control margin and CPO’s price fluctuation. However, due to the storage of CPO cannot separated, the
Oil’s ratio of cost of sales to total revenue decreased from the 1st quarter of 2020 to 9.23% or decreased by 9.72%. The Company was possible to generate profit from this business unit since there were
than CPO price at the time of delivery. As a result, the difference in raw material prices to the sales price at the date of manufacture and delivery of product to decrease. The Company possible to
decrease. However, the Company possible to generate profit from this business unit since there were Made to Order so that the Company can control margin and CPO’s price fluctuation. But, unfortunately the
and expanding capacity to support possible increase in trading volume in the future, provided that the rules and guidelines for prioritizing and matching trading orders are disclosed; (2) procure an
distribute. 2 & 3. Data collection & GHG accounting Build your inventory Data needed Activity data is the values representing the human activities that contribute to generating GHG emissions. Possible sources
) (4) ตลาดหลกัทรัพย์สัง่รับหุ้นสามญัของ UAPC เป็นหลกัทรัพย์จดทะเบียนในตลาดหลกัทรัพย์ 10. ผลกระทบต่อการท า Spin-off ต่อบริษัท และผู้ถอืหุ้นของบริษัท (1) ผลกระทบตอ่สว่นแบง่ก าไรหรือสทิธิออกเสยีง (EPS
risks; (3) The possible negative impacts. 10 Clause 21 In case of a complex return mutual fund under Clause 16(2)(c), the following information shall be displayed: (1) Whether the method of calculating