ตัวแทน (local representative) ซ่ึงตัวแทน ดังกลาวสามารถเปนสํานักงานผูแทน หรือบริษัทหลักทรพัยที่ไดรับใบอนุญาตประกอบธุรกิจหลักทรัพย ในไทย ทําหนาที่เปนตัวแทนในประเทศไทย (local representative) เพื่ออํา
office; or (3) oversea representative office. “online branch office” means a branch office of an intermediary of which services are provided solely through computers or electronic devices linked to
the following offices: (1) domestic branch office; (2) oversea branch office; or (3) oversea representative office. “online branch office” means a branch office of an intermediary of which services are
) oversea branch office; or (3) oversea representative office. “online branch office” means a branch office of an intermediary of which services are provided solely through computers or electronic devices
) oversea branch office; or (3) oversea representative office. “online branch office” means a branch office of an intermediary of which services are provided solely through computers or electronic devices
medical supply manufacturing and distribution, which increased from the same period of the previous year for 4.80 million baht or 18.99%, resulting in the increase of the Company Group’s gross profit for
: Website: Contact person: Email: CIS operator is under the supervision of: Name of local representative: Contact person: Email: Name of local intermediary: Contact person: Email: Warnings: An investor
appointment of a securities company to perform duty as local intermediary in Thailand (issued by Hong Kong Covered Management Company) [ ] 4. Evidence on the appointment of a local representative in Thailand as
) [ ] 4. Evidence on the appointment of a local representative in Thailand as the representative of Hong Kong Covered Management Company (issued by Hong Kong Covered Management Company) [ ] 5. Evidence on
Representative 142.0 99.2 43.1% 2.4 Maintenance Service 60.4 41.6 45.2% Total 818.2 962.1 -15.0% 1. Revenue from sales and from contract work 1.1 Turnkey Total Solutions generated revenue of THB 21.4 million in