the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together with the opinions of the bondholders’ representative. The bondholders are, therefore
the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together with the opinions of the bondholders’ representative. The bondholders are, therefore
potential impacts on the bondholders both in cases of approval and decline of approval for the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together
than his/her risk tolerance level can do so after signing for acknowledgement of such higher risk level; 3. Requiring money market funds and fixed income funds with daily redemption feature to provide
reduce institutional investors? risk in doing business with those operators who are allowed to provide services only to institutional investors. The principles for the revision are: 1. Registration rules
and provide easy-to-access contact points for investors. ?This TIA role-strengthening effort is expected to keep listed company management in check and improve corporate governance of the capital market
Bangkok, January 29, 2010 ? The Capital Market Supervisory Board (CMSB) has approved in principle establishment of Gold ETF at its Meeting No. 1/2010 with an aim to provide more alternatives for
exchange risk involved and risk management policies of the funds under their management which allocate at least 20 percent of net asset value to offshore investment. The new guideline is aimed to provide
Bangkok, January 29, 2010 ? The Capital Market Supervisory Board (CMSB) has approved in principle establishment of Gold ETF at its Meeting No. 1/2010 with an aim to provide more alternatives for
education, health and post retirement to provide investors with more investment alternatives. Those mutual funds will help increase saving rate which is rooted in our country?, Vorapol said.