shareholder of the Audit Firm is a company, please specify the major shareholder of that company in order that the SEC Office will have the information of the natural person who is the ultimate shareholder of
information of the natural person who is the ultimate shareholder of the business. 2 (c) Please specify the related parties of the Audit Firm. Name of Companies/Persons Business Relationship 1
company shall not delegate the function of advertising to a natural person appointed as an agent who sells or accepts redemption of investment units. Nevertheless, delegation is permitted for the function
delegate the function of advertising to a natural person appointed as an agent who sells or accepts redemption of investment units. Nevertheless, delegation is permitted for the function of disseminating or
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government to work together to balance sustainable agricultural development and protection of the Cerrado, an important natural ecosystem in Brazil. Today we co-chair the SoS representing 163 companies and