-5,500 44,700 552,300 522,200 ARPU (Baht/sub/month) Postpaid 581 578 574 5621) 571 Prepaid 183 184 183 1781) 176 Blended 256 257 258 2531) 254 MOU (minute/sub/month) Postpaid 257 251 242 241 244 Prepaid
887,900 114,900 -122% -87% Total net additions -136,300 1,330,300 466,600 -442% -65% ARPU (Baht/sub/month) Postpaid 523 480 471 -9.9% -1.8% Prepaid 156 150 142 -9.1% -5.5% Blended 239 232 225 -6.2% -3.1
additions 466,600 506,600 881,200 89% 74% ARPU (Baht/sub/month) Postpaid 471 460 460 -2.3% 0% Prepaid 142 129 127 -11% -1.6% Blended 225 216 215 -4.4% -0.5% MOU (minute/sub/month) Postpaid 181 166 164 -9.4
% Prepaid 123 123 125 1.9 % 1.7 % Blended 212 213 216 2.1 % 1.2 % MOU (minute/sub/month) Postpaid 155 146 141 -9.0% -3.4 % Prepaid 58 56 55 -5.2 % -1.8 % Blended 82 78 77 -6.1 % -1.3 % VOU (GB/data sub/month
gas-fired combined cycle cogeneration power that commenced COD on February 1, 2018. It has an installed capacity of 133 MW and sells electricity to EGAT 90 MW under a 25-year PPA. The Project was able
approximately AUD 10 million. It is expected to commence commercial operation within December 2018. 1.1.3 Riau Combined-Cycle Power Plant Project in the Republic of Indonesia On April 7, 2017, RH International
(English translation) No. BGRIM 17/2563 17 September 2020 Subject: Information Memorandum on Asset Acquisition from Investment in the Development of 7 Combined Cycle Cogeneration Plants To: President
plastic pellets mixed in proportion to produce big bags of size, weights and fiber according to transportation characteristics which has special durability. (B) PE Blow film have proportion of revenue is
in sales product mixed, and also initial cost of ramping up of the UHT OEM operation. 2/3 Food business The cost of food and services was Baht 3,914 million increased by Bath 247 million or 6.7% from
inflation. 16 asset management companies joined the Project offering 46 mutual funds, comprising equity funds, fixed income funds, mixed funds, and target date funds. Investors can select the funds suitable