prove that; (1) it shall list the units on the exchange once approved of the offering; (2) it has implemented a governance that is capable to protect unitholders’ rights and render fair treatment and has
may cause an adverse effect to the credibility of the Thai capital market as a whole; (4) the offering of securities may cause any damage or an unfair treatment to the investors as a whole, or the
- person and such transaction is in the manner of unfair treatment to the fund or causing fund to lose its best benefit. Except that the transaction is specified in Clause 13; (3) Management company perform
(Translation) - 4 - person and such transaction is in the manner of unfair treatment to the fund or causing fund to lose its best benefit. Except that the transaction is specified in Clause 13; (3) Management
ยีง 1 โครงการเท่านั น ไดแ้ก่ งานประกอบระบบบาํบดันําด ี(Water Purification Treatment) จงึสง่ผลให้รายได้ในกลุ่มงานโครงการเพิมขึนจากปีก่อนอย่างเหน็ได้ชดั นอกจากนีรายได้ จากการจําหน่ายสนิคา้ในกลุ่มผลติภณัฑ์
10 41-318-306-0285 Boiler 1 41-318-306-0286 Wasted Water Treatment 1 Total (Machine) 90 Location 88 Rama II Road (Thonburi – Paktor) Moo 2 Kalong Sub-district, Muang Samut Sakhon District, Samut Sakhon
special purposes only – such as government visits, emergency medical treatment, repatriating families, and essential business. The ‘Travel Bubble’ concept, originally proposed to cover countries with no
-0271 to 0272 Cooling Tower 2 41-318-306-0273 to 0274 Galvanizing Plant 2 41-318-306-0275 to 0284 Crain 10 41-318-306-0285 Boiler 1 41-318-306-0286 Wasted Water Treatment 1 Total (Machine) 90 Location 88
offer for sale of bonds may cause [i] any damages or [ii] an unfairness treatment to the investors as a whole or [iii] the investors not to obtain correct and sufficient information for supporting the
company trade assets or enter into a contract for any fund which is not special mutual fund, having the counterparty who is an affiliated person and such transaction is in the manner of unfair treatment to