be at 428,561 tons in 4Q2019, an increase of 84,307 tons or 24%. The main factors were that major vehicle manufacturers have announced their readiness to comply with B20 and continually have promoted
but may delegate day-to-day managemen duties. The board must provide written directions to management that clearly set out management’s responsibilities. Matters for which the board has primary
. provision regarding the release or substitution of assets securing the issue. C. Guarantees Provide information about the guarantors and the main features and terms of guarantees. The information shall cover
securities and the conditions of securities, including the suitability for investment and the relevant risk exposure. The effectiveness of this registration statement/ draft prospectus does not represent that
0.00 0.00 Gain from change in a joint venture proportion 9.87 9.87 0.00 0.00 Other income 12.47 (1.28) 15.17 (1.25) Total income 1,168.60 (192.83) 1,181.02 (217.90) The Company wish to explain the main
คูม่อืส ำหรบัประชำชน : การยืน่แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูการเสนอขายหุน้ทีอ่อกโดยบรษิทัตา่งประเทศ (primary listing) – เพือ่การมผีลใชบ้งัคบัของแบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลู (ขอ effective แบบ filing) หนว่ยงำนทีใ่หบ้รกิำร
connected to financial information. • Subject to the same governance processes and sign off as the financial report • Accessible to investors as primary users 31 Source: European Commission Guidelines on
for the transport sector. Some transport activities in the Section 4.2 (Activity Thresholds and criteria) will refer to this sectoral transport table Main thresholds Additional criteria 2022-2025 2026
rubber, which is the main raw material cost for production. The Company's profitability in the second quarter of 2017 decreased from the same period of previous year, the return on total assets (ROA
same period of the previous year by 4.79 million Baht and 9.77 million Baht respectively, due to the high price of natural rubber, which is the main raw material cost for production. The Company's