revenue. Gross Profit As a result of cost of services growing at a slower rate than the growth in revenue, we achieved a gross profit of 85.50mb (Q1 2019: 59.13mb) , an increase of 26.37mb or 44.6% . W e h
THB 741.41 million, increased by THB 21.23 million or equivalent to 2.95 percent increase compared to the same period of last year. Revenue from sale of goods was increased due to a growing customer
Executive Officer of Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited.“In the present-day society, it is generally known that the growing use of plastic products increases plastic waste every year, and widely
• คุณสมบติัของผูเ้ขา้ร่วมโครงการ ควรแปรผนัตามชนิดของนวตักรรม • ควรก าหนดใหมี้ความรู้พ้ืนฐานดา้น ธุรกิจหลกัทรัพย ์ • ควรจ ากดัผูร่้วมโครงการเฉพาะบริษทั ไทย เน่ืองจากระบบดงักล่าวเป็น critical infrastructure
to deliver in Q3-2021, such as the project of selling Advanced Service for Hybrid CSOC systems, the project of selling computer network equipment for supporting Cloud for Critical Information
development banks Buildings, Critical infrastructure - Observed/quantified damages (financial, humanitarian and ecological) caused by extreme weather events following adaptation or resilience strengthening
/ Frequent / Persistent 7 VE scale of assessment: Minor / Significant / High / Critical 8 VE scale of assessment: Non-communicative / Reactive / Remediative / Proactive 3 Verification – The KPI will be
digital services and platforms to both consumers and enterprise. Continue growing core revenue with controlled marketing expenses In 1Q18, AIS reported service revenue of Bt34,565mn, +6.5% YoY and +2.5% QoQ
from ‘International Advertising’ Expanded our footprint to Vietnam market – the fastest growing economy in Southeast Asia Net profit excluding minority interest was THB 161mn KEY BUSINESS AND
strategic moves and investments has been made throughout the year. To capture opportunities on the domestic front through one of the fastest-growing channels, OSP invested in Asia Vending Machine Operation