net loss of 0.19 million Baht for the quarter ended 30th September 2019 and 2018. The increase of 2.21 million Baht in the profit is mainly due to the following. 1. The decrease in the Group’s revenue
151.05 million, comparing at the same period in 2019 representing 37.61% decrease. This is mainly due to : 1. Income from medical treatments in the consolidated financial went up 6.95% due to income from
Million Baht, a decrease from the same period last year by approximately 9.82 Million Baht or 18.47% because of, the market condition decreased. Cost of Sales For financial statement in Quarter 2/2020, the
months, end of March 31, 2020 Financial Statement Consolidate financial statement % Revenue from sales Q1/2020 Q1/2019 Increase (decrease) Q1/2020 Q1/2019 Revenue from sales 45.46 67.47 (22.01 ) (32.62
, comparing at the same period in 2019 representing 39.58% decrease. This is mainly due to : 1. Income from medical treatments in the consolidated financial went up 6.95% due to income from Chiang Mai Ram
, in compliance with the decrease in revenue from sales and services. Gross profit margin of the second quarter of 2020 was 14.70% of revenue from sales and services increased from the corresponding
prices of any securities will increase or decrease and WHA did not notify such negotiation to the Stock Exchange of Thailand. SEC Act S.239 Settlement Committee Meeting No. 2/2016 Settlement Committee
from Sales and Services Description Year 2020 Year 2019 Increase / (Decrease) Million Baht % of Total Revenue Million Baht % of Total Revenue Million Baht % Revenues from Sales 1,143.16 92.40 1,213.54
hereby clarifies the changes in the performance as follows: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE YEAR OF 2018 Consolidated Financial Statements 2017 2018 Increase/(Decrease) THB mm THB mm THB mm % Total Revenue/1
Profitability (2.1) Revenues from Sales and Services Year 2017 Year 2016 Increase / (Decrease) Description Million Baht % of Total Revenue Million Baht % of Total Revenue Million Baht % 2nd Quarter (April – June