(k tons) 805 642 1,447 764 48 812 HRC Production Volume (k tons) 808 629 1,436 786 90 876 HRC Average Selling Price (THB/ton) 20,617 20,722 20,663 18,591 20,247 18,690 Year 2018 Year 2017 - Increasing
2017 - Increasing of HRC price: the average selling price of HRC in year 2018 was THB 20,663/ton, increased by 11% as compared with last year (THB 18,690/ton) according to HRC market price worldwide
, increasing Baht 9.29 million or 2,265.85 % increase because there is a new service project which is complete in next quarter. Other Income The other income in 2019 of the company and subsidiaries was Baht 1.76
subsidiaries have a net profit in Q1/2018 of 28 MB by increasing 6 MB or 29.3 percent when compared to Q1/2017 as following results: Revenue Q1/2018, the Company and its subsidiaries have total revenue of 213
outlook still have some challenges with some uncertainties especially from the external factors such as trade protectionism measures between US and China, the increasing economic outlook of China and major
outlook still have some challenges with some uncertainties especially from the external factors such as trade protectionism measures between US and China, the increasing economic outlook of China and major
baht or 1% y-y but increased 1% q-q. However, the Company has focused on customer base expansion by increasing credit card benefits. For example, “AEON Gift 2020” campaign, AEON credit cardholders
of the previous quarter. The sales volume returned to their former state in June after the various measures have been eased. Net marketing margin per unit increasing after proportion of retail channel
Analysis (MD&A) For Q3/2018 2 - Increasing of HRC price: the average selling price of HRC in 3rd Quarter of 2018 was THB 20,715/ton, increased by 15% as compared with last year quarter (THB 18,079/ton
showed a slow recovery reflecting a mixed trend in the indicators. On one side, a strong growth driver came from increasing tourist arrivals and lower inflation rates attributed to government subsidies