B7 Note : (1) Reference Price of EPPO (2) Conversion ratio: 0.865 Tons = 1,000 Liters (3) Reference Price of DIT (4) Market ME Price - Mixed Feedstock according to EPPO's B100 formula Sale Revenue
, compared to 2017 year end, by approximately Baht 97,000 million or 7%. Mixed funds increased, compared to 2017 year end, by approximately Baht 22,000 million or 6%. Fixed income funds decreased, compared to
Price of DIT (4) Market ME Price - Mixed Feedstock according to EPPO's B100 formula An average of the 3Q/2019 crude palm oil price (CPO-DIT) was at 16.89 Baht/ kg, being less than 3Q/2018 by 3.35 Baht/kg
projects under development. ₋ The Dusit Central Park: A mixed property project worth approximately Baht 36,700 million operated by Vimarn Suriya Co., Ltd. which is currently held by the Company and Central
projects under development. ₋ The Dusit Central Park: A mixed property project worth approximately Baht 36,700 million operated by Vimarn Suriya Co., Ltd. which is currently held by the Company and Central
year 2019. Fixed Income funds decreased by approximately Baht 365,086 million or 14.08%, equity funds decreased by approximately Baht 407,439 million or 27.24%, mixed funds decreased by approximately
(2) Conversion ratio: 0.865 Tons = 1,000 Liters (3) Reference Price of DIT (4) Market ME Price - Mixed Feedstock according to EPPO's B100 formula Market overview comparison between 2Q2020 vs. 2Q2019 An
benefits from the business expansion. In addition, the Company has continued our strategic projects, including the mixed-use project ‘Dusit Central Park’ as planned. Major Developments Hotel Business At the
รพัฒนำโครงกำรอสังหำรมิทรัพย์แบบผสม (Mixed-use Development) เช่น โครงกำรที่พักอำศัย รวมถงึกำรศกึษำโอกำสเขำ้ซือ้กจิกำร (M&A) ที่น่ำสนใจและใหผ้ลตอบแทนที่ดี ควบคู่กับกำรบริหำรตน้ทุนกำรด ำเนินงำนและ ค่ำ
ยก์ำรคำ้ใหม ่กำรปรับปรุงศนูยก์ำรคำ้ทีเ่ปิดด ำเนนิกำรอยู่แลว้ และ ธรุกจิอสงัหำรมิทรัพยป์ระเภทอืน่ตำมแผนกำรพัฒนำโครงกำรอสงัหำรมิทรัพยแ์บบผสม (Mixed- use Development) เชน่ โครงกำรทีพั่กอำศัย รวมถงึกำรศกึษำโอ