, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar which is deemed to an acquisition of assets Please refer to more details in Enclosure 1 2. Approve to determine the date the shareholders who are eligible to
be offered to all ordinary shareholders whose names appear in the share register of the Company. The closing date of the Company's share register to determine the list of shareholders. : After the
person assigned by the Chief Executive Officer to determine, prescribe, modify, and amend the rules, conditions and other details that are necessary and appropriate in connection with the land purchase
consideration for the maintenance of machines and equipment in accordance with conditions and terms specified in the agreements. 6. Basis Used to Determine the Value of Consideration The basis used to determine
approve of ratification of acquisition of assets of land and building in IB Place Hatyai 4. Approved to set the record date to determine the shareholders’ entitlement to participate in the EGM No.1/2017 to
fortify the island’s energy security by reducing its dependence on imported fossil fuels GHG Accounting Process for Business 21 The GHG Accounting Process DEFINE SCOPE Set boundaries and determine approach
propose to the Shareholders Meeting to consider and authorize the Board of Directors and/or the Chief Executive Officer and/or any person authorized by such person to negotiate, agree, determine, amend the
as stipulated in the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535, Section 225, by closing the share registration book on June 14, 2017 in order to determine the shareholders' entitlement to attend the
equivalent to Baht 946.85 million, with the shareholders’ equity of Baht 517.95 million 7. Basis Used to Determine the Value of Consideration Basis used to determine the value of consideration in the case of
equivalent to Baht 946.85 million, with the shareholders’ equity of Baht 517.95 million 7. Basis Used to Determine the Value of Consideration Basis used to determine the value of consideration in the case of