Company’s businesses, or the consolidation of such business with other persons with an objective towards profit and loss sharing. Amended to read Article 40. In the shareholders meeting, a shareholder shall
% y-on-y in 6M’2019 to Baht 355 million, primarily due to 1) the consolidation of BGYSP after raising stake from 49.0% to 100.0% in Q3’2018 and 2) the revenue from the 10.8 MW Solar WVO - COOP projects
Artlant PTA and Rotterdam expansion Necessities Feedstock 2019 Consolidation of PTA Indonesia JV Necessities Feedstock 2019 Further increase in IPA production HVA Feedstock 2019 Full year impact from Brazil
collected from investors; (3) Merger or acquisition of mutual funds; (4) Acceptance of repayment by way of securities or other assets of the fund; (5) Actions to be taken in case where the liquidity of any
where there is an incorrect calculation of the number of units or value; (2) Fees or expenses collected from investors; (3) Merger or acquisition of mutual funds; (4) Acceptance of repayment by way of
where there is an incorrect calculation of the number of units or value; (2) Fees or expenses collected from investors; (3) Merger or acquisition of mutual funds; (4) Acceptance of repayment by way of
increasing 63% YoY and 51% QoQ, mainly from the consolidation of revenue from CSL. • Interconnection charge (IC) and equipment rental were Bt1,418mn increasing 31% YoY and 28% QoQ. Since Jan-18, the new IC
consolidation of assets from acquisition of vending machine business. As of 31 December 2019, the Company had total liabilities of THB 6,301 million, an increase of THB 1,148 million (or +22.3%) from 31 December
เทียบมลูคา่รวมของสิง่ตอบแทน (Total Value of Consolidation) ขนาดของรายการ = จ านวนมลูคา่รวมของสิง่ตอบแทนท่ีจ่าย สนิทรัพย์รวมของบริษัทฯ = 1,263.06 ล้านบาท 6,161.51ล้านบาท = ร้อยละ 20.50 การค านวณขนาดรายการ
segments while leverage synergies from acquisition. With CSL combined, in 2018, service revenue (excluding IC), is expected to grow in a range of 7-8%, 2% of which is from full consolidation of CSL. Through