characteristics of such risks as well as the causative circumstances and potential impacts thereof (display numerical assessment results, if possible), tendency or probability of occurrence. Supplementary
and their results indicate that CSR activities have no significant influence on firm value. Several studies point out that a possible reason for the lack of consensus among prior research on the
vulnerable, however, many central banks may adopt a cautious stance in their monetary policies, primarily taking into account the right timing to mitigate possible foreign exchange volatilities as well as
and earnings management proxied by earnings series. His results suggest that managers have strong financial incentives to manage earnings upward. 5 One possible explanation is that the premium is a
. Provide information about the existence or possible creation of other securities and other indebtedness with seniority to the debt securities. If the rights of the debt securities holders will be
and interest rates which are in line with customers’ acceptable risk appetite. Banks are also allowed to use other qualitative and quantitative factors which reflect customers’ potential and ability to
movements, KBank is closely monitoring the situation and assessing possible impacts, placing importance on efficient risk management under the supervision of the Risk Oversight Committee, Market Risk
เรื่อง การดํารงเงินกองทุนสภาพคลองสุทธิ ประกาศคณะกรรมการ ก.ล.ต. ที่ กธ. 66/2547 เรื่อง การดํารงฐานะทางการเงินของผูไดรับใบอนุญาตเปนตัวแทนซื้อขายสัญญาซื้อขายลวงหนา 2. การกําหนดระดับ early warning เกณฑป
procedures of those units and personnel for preventing possible conflicts of interest; (d) imposing code of conduct or measure to prevent operation constituting conflicts of interest, which includes the
and personnel for preventing possible conflicts of interest; (d) imposing code of conduct or measure to prevent operation constituting conflicts of interest, which includes the following issues: 1