and continuous raining as well as the increase of Independent Power Supply (IPS) and Small Power Producer (SPP) outside the EGAT system. In the meantime, electricity consumption of the country in EGAT
– including publicly listed Enterprises, public interest, and private entities (both for-profit and not-for- profit), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), small and medium Enterprises (SMEs) and state- owned
improvement especially in the small passenger car segment from the new car purchase as a result of the end of the first car scheme. The number of new car sales for first two months of 2018 expanded by 13.0% yoy
improvement especially in the small passenger car segment from the new car purchase as a result of the end of the first car scheme. The number of new car sales for first three months of 2018 expanded by 12.6
decreased of 234.5 MB and 94.3 MB, respectively, due to the governmental projects in the first half of 2017 were relatively small and delayed. The Company also faced a higher market competition. Besides, in
(standard deviation : SD) ต่ ำ general large cap mid/small sector สูง กลุ่มหุ้นที่เน้นลงทุน ต่ ำ ท ำอย่ำงไรหำกยังไม่เข้ำใจกำรลงทุนของนโยบำยและควำมเสี่ยง สอบถำมบริษัทจัดกำรหรือกรรมกำรกองทุน อย่ำลงทุนหำกไม่
solution with HR services representing 75.9% of our revenue, Financial services representing 22.6% and other income representing a small 1.5%. In 2018, the HR services has grown at a higher rate than
were 2 large projects which had been completed and delivered in 2018. While many projects in 2019 were small to medium-sized projects. Smart service business The Company had revenue from Smart service
are designed to meet the demand from customers in three main areas: the "Small concept" - a cozy compact style, located in shopping centers; the “Select concept” - to serve all customer needs for
representing 15.5% and other income representing a small 2.6% . Comparing year-on-year (YoY), HR Solutions grew at a higher rate than Financial Solutions, hence its weightage has steadily increased from 80.4% in