offset by: (x) a decrease in current and non-current portion of receivables from sales of investments in subsidiaries totaling THB 996mn from the settlement of receivables of last year’s disposal of
settlement agreements which requires suppliers to deliver the pending quantity of raw material under the period specified in the agreements. Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited Management’s
ACO I subsequently sent a notice requested the Company to repay such debt and notified that if the Company could not send any proposal for loan settlement which is acceptable by ACO I. ACO I would take
Settlement (BIS). (2) an audit firm, whose auditors are recognized by the SEC Office to be an auditor in the capital market under the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission
regulations of the SEC Office; (c) a central bank which is a member of the Bank for International Settlement (BIS). (2) an audit firm, whose auditors are recognized by the SEC Office to be an auditor in the
regulations of the SEC Office; (c) a central bank which is a member of the Bank for International Settlement (BIS). (2) an audit firm, whose auditors are recognized by the SEC Office to be an auditor in the
. Network OPEX & TOT partnership cost (net of revenue) was Bt4,538mn, decreasing -12% YoY, -4.1%QoQ from lower rent after TOT dispute settlement in 3Q19 and lower network OPEX QoQ due to certain seasonal
supplier had delivered raw materials to the company regarding to the settlement agreement. Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis | 5 Exhibit 2 : Sales revenue and
กาศส านักงาน ไม่ได้จ ากัดรูปแบบของการให้บริการ 12.7 ก าหนด timeline การ implement ระบบใหม่ไม่ให้ ทับซ้อนกันในช่วงเวลาเดียวกัน เช่น T+2, E-tax, FATCA, Pending Settlement 12.7 การก าหนด timeline ในการให้
of the amount to Non- current liabilities. • Short-term loan from financial institution decreased by Baht 213 million due to repayment of the debt by the Company as per the Debt Settlement Agreement