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(standard definition) offering popular variety shows and international television series, sports etc. (2) Krungthep Turakij Media Co. Ltd. (KTM) (being a 99.99% subsidiary of NMG holding 99,997 BBB shares
(standard definition) offering popular variety shows and international television series, sports etc. (2) Krungthep Turakij Media Co. Ltd. (KTM) (being a 99.99% subsidiary of NMG holding 99,997 BBB shares
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wetlands, the GHG assessment should be carried out with reference to the methodologies described in the IPCC guidelines for evaluating wetlands greenhouse gas inventories (http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp
Energy Transmission Initiative) และโครงการ EPA RE-powering America’s Land14 5 Weisser, D. (2006). A guide to life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electric supply technologies. Vienna: PESS / IAEA
เป็นี้การประเมิินี้ปริมิาณีการปล่อยและดู้ด้กลับัก๊าซเร่อนี้กระจัก (Greenhouse gas emissions and removals) ท้เกิด้ข้นี้จัากกิจักรรมิการด้ำาเนิี้นี้งานี้ ขององค์ำกร โด้ยการแสด้งปริมิาณีค่ำาคำาร์บัอนี้ฟุุตี
and the eruption of an oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, there were rising fears that the economy would plunge into deep recession – a signal of an imminent economic crisis. Given this
of slower-than-expected growth of the Chinese economy, political risks in Europe, and the impact of tightening global financial conditions. In spite of the weaker external sector, lower average oil