shall decrease its registered capital by cancelling the new ordinary shares that remained unallotted. 3.2 consider scheduling the Record Date on October 30, 2018, to determine name of shareholders who
shall decrease its registered capital by cancelling the new ordinary shares that remained unallotted. 3.2 consider scheduling the Record Date on October 30, 2018, to determine name of shareholders who
shall decrease its registered capital by cancelling the new ordinary shares that remained unallotted. 3.2 consider scheduling the Record Date on October 30, 2018, to determine name of shareholders who
financial status of the Company and help reduce the financial burden increasing the liquidity and cash flow of the Company. 7. Use of Proceeds from the Assets Disposal Transaction TO repay the debts, decrease
in March 2019 and March 2020 respectively; • Interest expense from ABPIF y-on-y: A 28.6% decrease in Q1’2020 to THB 40 million based on changes in benefits transferred from the business operation of
runs the drug business and a small hospital by Modern Company without loan Adjust, increase and decrease, an additional 0.25% discount rate will be valued between 278.25-312.67 million Baht 7. Criteria
Pittayachai 4 Co., Ltd. at the Central Office for Machinery Registration, Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry. As a result, the debenture debt will decrease by 55,000,000 Baht (Fifty Five
operating results and financial condition of UWC will improve as a 12 result of the reduction in accumulated losses in connection with the power generation business, coupled with the decrease in the debt to
คำ น ้ำมนัดบิทีป่รบัตวัลดลง แหล่งผลติน ้ำมนัดบิ Galoc มอีตัรำกำรผลติเฉลีย่ 3,858 บำรเ์รลต่อวนั (คดิเป็นสดัสว่นของ Nido เท่ำกบั 2,156 บำร์เรลต่อวนั) ปรบัลดลงตำม Natural-Decline Production Curve และบร
decline curve แมว้่าราคาขายจะปรบัสงูขึน้ตามราคาตลาด อกีทัง้มรีายการค่าเผื่อผล ขาดทุนจากการดอ้ยค่าสนิทรพัย์ตามมาตรฐานบญัช ีจ านวน 1,528 ลา้นบาท ในงบการเงนิรวม ซึง่เป็นการดอ้ยค่าของสนิทรพัย์ ในพืน้ที ่Gulita