software; (2) preventive and detective controls of the use of unauthorized software and known or suspected malicious websites; (3) installation and regular update of malware detection software, as well as
well as any other documents in relation to Komchadluek Business and Trademark Acquisition, including but not limited to the Business and Trademark Purchase Agreement; (c) Executing, amending, modifying
deployment strategies. All of this is in line with our imperatives towards becoming a world-class, well-diversified, growth-oriented global chemicals Company. Going forward, each of our segments necessitates
แบบแสดงรายการขอมูลการเสนอขายหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง (แบบ 69-DEBT-SP-1) บริษัท .......... (ชื่อไทย/อังกฤษของผูเสนอขายหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง) ใหระบุขอมูลในหนาปกอยางนอย ดังตอไปน้ี 1. ลักษณะที่สําคัญของหุนกูท่ีมีอนุพันธแฝง (“หุนกู”) ท่ีจะออกภายใตโครงการน้ี ดังน้ี (1) ชื่อหุนกูตามโครงการ (2) ประเภทผูลงทุนที่เสนอขาย (3) ลักษณะสําคัญของหุนกู (4) ปจจัยอางอิง (5) มูลคาการเสนอขายตามโครงการ ทั้งนี้ ตองไมเกินมูลคาตามมติท่ีไดรับใหออกหุนกู (6) มูลคาไถถอนของหุนกู (7) อันดับควา...
price, combined with the total sales volume of the company increased by 4% YoY. Further, revenue from the Power Plant business and Bio-based Product business increased as well. 2. Gross Profit was
was not a complicated process. The management or controlling shareholder may simply invite respectable or acquainted individuals to serve as directors. With the invitation, the directors reckoned that
objectives, offering period, offering price, investors to whom the shares will be offered, subscription and settlement methods as well as other terms and conditions in relation to the allocation of such newly
whether in a single offering or multiple offerings; (2) determining the objectives, offering period, offering price, investors to whom the shares will be offered, subscription and settlement methods as well
Club “Borussia Dortmund”. With Borussia Dortmund’s strong global brand presence, it will strengthen the Company’s brand image as well as make the airline better known across Asia and Europe. In addition
. Additionally, this can be expanding services to connect Bangkok with well- known cities in Laos. As a result, the Company has total Codeshare partners of 26 airlines which contributed revenue from Codeshare and