LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 8 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 19/08/2022 08:24 Set EGM No.2/2022, Capital Increase, The issuance of debentures, The issuance of convertible securities, Asset
and filing procedures for DW issuance will be shorten and require fewer documents in order to increase efficiency while impact of price risk will also be mitigated. An automatic approval will be
increase in the SALEE closing price from 3.20 baht on March 30, 2007 to 5.15 baht on October 9, 2007 or an increase of 60.94 percent. The average daily trading volume also increased from 2.69 million shares
completed in 2019. Other Income The other income in 2018 of the company and subsidiaries was Baht 5.43 million, whereas Baht 2.43 million in 2017, showing an increase of Baht 3.00 million or 123.46 % increase
and 2019 amount of 6,657.3 million baht and 6,789.8 million baht respectively, an increase of 132.5 million baht, or 2.0% compared on the same period from last year as detailed hereunder, 1. Revenues
2018, the Company had the net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company in the amount of Baht 978 Million representing an increase from the same quarter of the previous year by Baht 255
of Thailand Overall operating performance of the Group Unit: Million Baht Q1’ 2020 Q1’ 2019 Increase (decrease) Variance (%) Total revenues 1,572 1,677 (105) (6%) Net profit 73 81 (8) (10%) The Group’s
. Tel: 02-0195000 In the 3rd quarter of 2018 and 2019, the Group’s total revenue increased from THB 757.0 Mn to THB 793.2 Mn respectively, an increase of THB 36.2 Mn or 4.8%. And for the nine months
”) reported consolidated operating revenue of THB 338 million in Q3/2023 and THB 900 million in 9M/2023, increased by 37% from Q3/2022 and 34% from 9M/2022, respectively. The increase in revenue was mainly due
as follows. The total revenue of the Company and its subsidiaries in the consolidated financial statements for the year 2017 was equal to 762.85 million Baht, an increase of 148.67 million Baht or