evidence demonstrating the new debtor?s repayment ability. The SEC, therefore, instructed SGF to revise such item in compliancewith the Thai Accounting Standard (TAS) No. 34 Re: Troubled Debt Restructuring
asset. Book value of land and Building : 52,826,320 baht (December 31,2017) Market value of land and Building : 280,180,000 baht (March 14, 2018) Appraiser : KTAC Appraisal and Services Co., Ltd. Standard
Hwa Fong Rubber Industrial Company Limited is the major shareholder in The Company, which holds 50.42 % of the company’s total shares. Service providers and service providers have common directors. - Mr
Industrial Company Limited is the major shareholder in The Company, which holds 50.42 % of the company’s total shares. Service providers and service providers have common directors. - Mr. Shen, Kuo-Jung is the
Rubber Industrial Company Limited is the major shareholder in The Company, which holds 50.42 % of the company’s total shares. Service providers and service providers have common directors. - Mr. Shen, Kuo
Co., Ltd. (“CRC”), a subsidiary of Central Retail Corporation Company Limited (“CRC”) Relationship: Both parties have a common major shareholder, namely the Chirathivat group (ordinary persons and
extent of the interest of the connected persons in the transaction : -Non- 9. This transaction allows to standard of receiving and selling of assets. In this schedule the company sold out the investment
Standard Procedures for Electronic Transmission of Information B.E. 2564 (2021) (“Standard Procedures”) and the Usage 3 Manual on Electronic Transmission of Information or other related manuals provided on
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เนื้อหาสอดคล้องกับมาตรฐานการบัญชีสากล (International Financial Report Standard: IFRS/International Accounting Standard: IAS) โดยคาดว่ามาตรฐานการบัญชีของไทยที่แก้ไขและออกใหม่ดังกล่าวจะทยอยมีผลใช้บังคับ