company rating of “A-” (Single A Minus), affirms the rating of LH BANK’s hybrid Tier 2 capital securities at “BBB” and the results also affirmed the rating on credit alert with a “positive” by TRIS Rating
“Positive” outlook by TRIS Rating. Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited is assigned the company rating of “A-” (Single A Minus), affirms the rating of LH BANK’s hybrid Tier 2 capital securities at “BBB
“Positive” outlook by TRIS Rating. Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited is assigned the company rating of “A-” (Single A Minus), affirms the rating of LH BANK’s hybrid Tier 2 capital securities at “BBB
rating at “BBB+“ with “Positive” outlook by TRIS Rating. Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited is assigned the company rating of “A-” (Single A Minus), affirms the rating of LH BANK’s hybrid Tier 2
rating at “BBB+“ with “Positive” outlook by TRIS Rating. Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited is assigned the company rating of “A-” (Single A Minus), affirms the rating of LH BANK’s hybrid Tier 2
increasing women’s pathways into the labour market, their productivity and income through digital tools, women will improve their socioeconomic conditions, and stimulate a positive ripple effect in their
line with the TCFD, refers to the potential positive impacts on an organization resulting from efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change, such as through resource efficiency and cost savings, the
. The LEV variable defines as the ratio of total debt to total asset. The expectation on its relationship with TOBINQ is positive as Modigliani and Miller (1958, 1963) propose when firms must pay tax, the
improvement in collection operation and continuously improving asset quality as well as positive sign of economic recovery. - Finance Cost In the fiscal year ended February 28, 2018, the Company’s finance cost
trend development was more than offset by the continued positive growth sentiment of advertising spending in November and December 2017, driven by the economic rebound in exports, tourism and automotive