operations. 1.1 Factors that affect business operations. In the year 2018, the Company affected from; prices of raw materials, cotton and polyester, risen since the second quarter; uncertainty of crude oil
increase of cost from raw material handling by the Company itself after terminate contract with Unit : million Baht Q 2/2019 Q 2/2018 Group Revenues 5,192 7,815 Group EBITDA 640 555 Group Net Profit (Loss
percent when compared to same period of previous year which has other revenue of 1.13 Million Baht due to sell scrap raw materials, income from insurance claim and compromise with trade creditors (2
15.3% Administrative Expenses (34.5) (8.4) 308.8% Finance Costs (76.9) (93.7) -17.9% Share of Profit from Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures 339.2 659.2 -48.5% Income Tax Expense (6.3) (6.8
13.2% 433.4 358.5 20.9% Other Income4 58.6 22.2 163.7% 141.7 96.5 46.8% Administrative Expenses (37.5) (28.8) 30.2% (82.4) (84.8) -2.9% Finance Costs (84.2) (104.3) -19.3% (282.7) (361.8) -21.9% Share of
million, because the Company had order to be used for the production of raw material to customers increased. - Investment in associated company decreased for 29.57 million Baht, because share of profit of
sales and services. - Inventories increased for Baht 5.73 million, during quarter 1/ 2017, the Company had a order to be used for the production of raw materials to customers increased. - Investment in
be a potential market in the future. For Medical Devices; There is still intense competition in both domestic and foreign markets. Market leaders use price strategies to gain market share. But the
of an increased in raw material cost is greater than an increased in HRC market price. The company expects the lower of production and sales due to the slowdown of Tolling during Q4/18. The company
designated as the operator of the instant and semi-instant food manufacturing and distribution business as well as the supply, manufacturing and distribution of raw materials and food ingredients to various