. Sales Revenue increased by 104.99 million baht or 5.48% from 1,915.39 million baht in 2017 to 2,020.38 million baht in 2018, the main reason are sales price increased from the same period last year. 2
amounting to Baht 13.89 million or 70.65 % because of the follow main reasons. 1. Revenue from hospital operations increased by Baht 37.02 million or 6.30 % due to in Q1/2020 the revenue from general patient
to Baht 18.02 million or 53.26 % because of the follow main reasons. 1.Revenue from hospital operations decreased by Baht 9.58 million or 1.74 % due to the situation of COVID 19 , the revenue from
49.11 million or 32.71 % because of the follow main reasons. 1. Revenue from hospital operations increased by Baht 139.49 million or 5.90 % due to in 2019 the general patients of Company and subsidiaries
online systems. and the company still has foreign exchange gains compared to US dollars. (Which is the main trading currency of the company) Cost of Sales for Q2 / 2020 and Q2 / 2019 was 400.98 million
with Q1/ 2021, the reason for the decrease because the main raw material, which is Sweet corn can be harvested late due to inclement weather, making it unable to operate at full capacity and fully
still has foreign exchange gains compared to US dollars. (Which is the main trading currency of the company) Cost of Sales for Q3/2022 and Q3/2021 was 509.25 million baht and 437.15 million baht
transactions in the capital market, the establishment of infrastructure trust could be performed. Clause 2 The infrastructure trust under Clause 1 means a trust established for the main purpose of investing in
foreign exchange gains compared to US dollars. (Which is the main trading currency of the company) Cost of Sales for Q3/2023 and Q3/2022 was 696.59 million baht and 509.25 million baht, respectively. It is
and limited brokers, dealers and underwriters (LBDUs).The main objective of the proposed amendment is to allow juristic persons to act as selling agents for the aforesaid intermediaries, as opposed to