holders of the Company 167 167 146 21 14% 156 156 149 7 5% Earnings per share (THB/share) 0.28 0.28 0.24 0.03 14% 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.01 5% Note: The new financial reporting standards were reflected in
for the year 2.3 (1.5) 3.8 251% Profit (loss) attributable to Equity holders of the Company 3.2 (0.25) 3.4 1,354% Earnings per share (THB/share) 0.01 (0.00) 0.01 - 2 / 4 ⚫ Total revenue of Q1 /2018
69 52 17 33% 199 160 39 24% Administrative expenses 29 29 0 1% 113 88 25 28% Profit (loss) 181 157 24 15% 328 306 22 7% Profit (loss) attributable to Equity holders of the Company 187 158 29 18% 336
% 150 199 (49) -25% Administrative expenses 31 29 2 8% 93 113 (20) -18% Profit for the year 189 181 7 4% 344 328 16 5% Profit (loss) attributable to Equity holders of the Company 189 187 2 1% 345 336 9 3
expenses 42 46 (4) -9% Administrative expenses 23 29 (6) -18% Profit for the year 2 (11) 13 115% Profit (loss) attributable to Equity holders of the Company 2 (11) 13 115% Earnings per share (THB/share) 0.00
from the public and represent rights to holders to participate in pooled benefits from pooled contributions which are collectively managed where investors have no control over day-to-day operation, but
* G. Consequences of a failure to make payments * H. Representative of debt securities holders ม.70 (4) ผูแทนผูถือหุนกู (ถามี) I. Meeting of debt securities holders * J. Modification of Terms * K
Agreement which is a Connected Transaction, Appointment of the Independent Financial Advisor and Calling the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 2/2019 To The President The Stock Exchange of
turnover (times) 0.6 0.7 1 Calculated from operating revenue 2 Net Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company/ operating revenue 3 Net Profit (Annualised) / Average Total Shareholders’ equity
2018 (ended 30 June 2018) MASTER AD PLC MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS 2Q 2018 6 AUG 2018 - On 18 July 2018, shareholders at Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) resolved to approve the acquisition of