financial. 3. Risk of loss beyond initial margin Investing in future contract require investor to deposit certain asset with the derivatives broker for securing the fulfillment of futures contract by the
2 Tambon Thachin,Amphur Muangsamutsakhon,Samutsakhon 74000,Thailand. - 2 - Gross profit margin 60.71% 63.63% -2.92% Net profit margin 29.71% 51.89% -22.18% * Note: Financial results for the first
% Revenue from social security 197.53 164.68 20% Revenue from Hospital Operations 445.88 382.92 16% Cost of hospital operations 285.42 257.36 11% Gross margin 160.45 125.57 28% % Gross margin 36% 33% 3
gross profit margin at 46.0%. Net profit for the six-month period ended 30 June 2019 showed at Baht 119.47 million, increased from the same period of last year by Baht 24.33 million or 25.6%. Earnings per
) (70.9 %) 2.7 % Gross Margin 364.5 28.0 % 374.4 29.1 % (2.6 %) Distribution Costs (197.2) (15.1 %) (148.8) (11.6 %) 32.5 % Administrative Expenses (63.2) (4.9 %) (57.9) (4.5 %) 9.0 % Profit before Income
of hospital operations 257.36 226.88 13% Gross margin 125.57 86.97 44% % Gross margin 33% 28% 5% Administrative expenses 47.84 35.48 35% Earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation 105.66 75.92 39
1,521.25 million baht or increase by 16.53%. 2. In the second quarter of 2018, the Company recorded gross profit margin of 36.97%, while the same period last year the Company recorded gross profit margin of
% 1,329.15 1,193.44 11% Cost of hospital operations before adj. 314.81 293.81 7% 894.56 825.87 8% Adj. staff benefit - - 8.15 - Gross margin 145.70 133.24 9% 426.44 367.57 16% % Gross margin 32% 31% 0% 32% 31
) (73.0 %) (1,030.4) (70.8 %) (10.1 %) Gross Margin 341.7 27.0 % 424.0 29.2 % (19.4 %) Distribution Costs (196.1) (15.5 %) (182.5) (12.5 %) 7.4 % Administrative Expenses (72.5) (5.7 %) (91.6) (6.3 %) (20.9
-100% Gross Margin 116.33 120.29 -3% % Gross Margin 29.6% 28.5% 1% % Gross Margin (exclude non-recurring cost) 29.6% 30.4% -1% Administrative Expenses before Adj. 39.49 41.45 -5% Adj. staff benefit