, cooperate and exchange information in connection with the supervision and oversight of the AIFMs that operate on a cross-border basis in the jurisdictions of the signatories. Several alternative investment
custodial wallet provider, and other provisions related to digital asset business operations. The amendments aim to ensure adequate and appropriate oversight mechanisms for digital asset businesses
ผูถื้อหน่วย โดยมีประเด็น ส ำคญัจำกกำรรับฟังควำมคิดเห็น ดงัน้ี 4.1 การปรับปรุง governance ของกองทุนรวม (1) การก าหนดผู้ทีจ่ะมาท าหน้าทีต่รวจสอบดูแลการด าเนินงานของ บลจ. (oversight) ส ำนกังำนเสนอให ้บลจ
Regulations - PVD Act Ministerial Notifications Regulatory Summaries Fundraising Market Professionals Financial reporting and audit oversight Mutual Fund Cross-border Offering of Funds Business Operators
Regulations - PVD Act Ministerial Notifications Regulatory Summaries Fundraising Market Professionals Financial reporting and audit oversight Business Operators Mutual Fund Registered Person Cross-border
Regulations - PVD Act Ministerial Notifications Regulatory Summaries Fundraising Market Professionals Financial reporting and audit oversight Business Operators Mutual Fund Registered Person Cross-border
Regulations - PVD Act Ministerial Notifications Regulatory Summaries Fundraising Market Professionals Financial reporting and audit oversight Business Operators Mutual Fund Registered Person Cross-border
maintains its mission to oversee and develop the quality of auditors in the capital market. The quality control system of the audit firms is regularly inspected, and the audit engagement is randomly selected
SEC studied regulations in other countries to find proper guidelines for supervision, focusing on standardized services and putting investors first. The matter is still under the discussion with
SEC has opened for public comments to revise the regulations on supervision of fintech as there are some business operators applying fintech to improve their service efficiency for investors. For