export-oriented industries together with supports from the continuous progresses in public infrastructure investment. Meanwhile, public expenditure increased at a slower pace partly, partly because some
expenses associated with GLAND’s operations since the acquisition in 3Q18 onwards. Nonetheless, CPN demonstrated prudent cost control measures and closely monitors the expenditure level to match revenue
เปลี่ยน จํานวน 177.33 ลานบาทจากสกุลเงนเหรMยญสหรัฐฯ ที่ออนคาลง ขณะที่ในป 2562 HPC นํานโยบายการบัญชีเรS่อง เครS่องมือทางการเงนท่ีเปนตราสารอนุพันธและการบัญชีปองกันความเสี่ยงในสวนของ Expenditure Hedging
organization levels were controlled following the cost reduction initiative to combat COVID-19 situation. In addition, put off 2020 capital expenditure plan to prepare sufficient liquidity amidst uncertainty
investment particular in machinery and equipment, industrial production, manufacturing capacity, and the value of merchandise exports were also better. Rising government expenditure is another significant
organization levels were controlled following the cost reduction initiative to combat COVID-19 situation. In addition, put off 2020 capital expenditure plan to prepare sufficient liquidity amidst uncertainty
, coupled with high excess production capacity, resulted in a contraction in private investment. However, public spending continued to grow from current expenditure through disbursals for public health
. Some companies may need to aggregate from asset to economic activity level. What is CapEx? Capital expenditure (CapEx) is a payment for goods or services recorded, or capitalised, on the balance sheet
Commercial Operation Date Within Quarter 1/2019 Expected Capital Expenditure THB 40-60 mn Project Risk HSMC is exposed to the foreign exchange rate movement due to the revenue is denominated in USD Expected
day. Capacity (m3/day) 2,000-2,200 m3/day Construction Period Within Quarter 4/2018 Scheduled Commercial Operation Date Within Quarter 1/2019 Expected Capital Expenditure THB 40-60 mn Project Risk HSMC