Capital Ratio (NCR): the ratio of NC compared to general liabilities (the total liabilities and derivative financial liabilities, excluding special debts), plus required margin for derivatives contracts
decrease of 17.3% YoY, mainly due to the recognition of non-recurring income from the insurance claim under terrorism coverage of THB 3,500 mn in the prior year. Excluding the non-recurring items CPN
decrease of 17.3% YoY, mainly due to the recognition of non-recurring income from the insurance claim under terrorism coverage of THB 3,500 mn in the prior year. Excluding the non-recurring items CPN
, although the adjustment does not impact the net profit. Excluding the non-recurring items CPN reported total revenue of THB 8,674 mn, a 8.9% increase YoY, operating profit of THB 3,380 mn, a 6.7% increase
year, and from the provision of employee benefit for retirement, a non-recurring item classified under administrative expenses. Excluding the non-recurring items and the performance of residential
% YoY from the same period in the previous year (YoY). Excluding the non- recurring items and the performance of residential business, total revenue increased 8.9% YoY and net profit increased 12.3% YoY
from sales and rendering of services (excluding fuel cost) 5,881.33 6,656.26 (774.93) (11.6) Revenue from financial lease contract 3,335.81 3,995.45 (659.64) (16.5) Share of profit of associates and
slowdown in domestic and external demands and also from the delay in private investment due to low capacity utilization in manufacturing. Meanwhile, public spending excluding transfers also contracted in
(minute/s Postpaid Prepaid Blended VOU (GB/data s Postpaid Prepaid Blended Device Penetrat 4G‐handset Fixed Broadban FBB subscri FBB net add FBB ARPU ( 1H17 Snap For 1H17, AIS (excluding IC
Capital market business, the market shares (SET and mai excluding proprietary trading) of Phatra Securities Plc. (PSEC) was 4.65% decreasing from 4.93% in 2Q17, ranking 5th from total 37 brokers. The